January 4, 2004


Weekly Lesson Notes  - Sermons, Outlines, & Commentaries - Selected Image & Keyword Search Results - Printer Friendly View

Unless Jesus returns before.
January 11
, 2004

Sunday School Project
This Week's
International Sunday School Lesson


Job 9:32-25

Job 13:20-24

Job 19:25-27

Job 23:10-12


For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:

Job 19:25


Quotes & Notes
  • John Wesley Notes:
    This is the reason of his confidence in the goodness of his cause, and his willingness to have the matter depending between him and his friends, published and submitted to any trial, because he had a living and powerful Redeemer to plead his cause, and to give sentence for him. My Redeemer-In whom I have a particular interest. The word Goel, here used; properly agrees to Jesus Christ: for this word is primarily used of the next kinsman, whose office it was to redeem by a price paid, the sold or mortgaged estate of his deceased kinsman; to revenge his death, and to maintain his name and honour, by raising up seed to him. All which more fitly agrees to Christ, who is our nearest kinsman and brother, as having taken our nature upon him; who hath redeemed that everlasting inheritance which our first parents had utterly lost, by the price of his own blood; and hath revenged the death of mankind upon the great contriver of it, the devil, by destroying him and his kingdom; and hath taken a course to preserve our name, and honour, and persons, to eternity. And it is well observed, that after these expressions, we meet not with such impatient or despairing passages, as we had before; which shews that they had inspired him with new life and comfort. Latter day-At the day of the general resurrection and judgment, which, as those holy patriarchs well knew and firmly believed, was to be at the end of the world. The earth-The place upon which Christ shall appear and stand at the last day. Heb. upon the dust; in which his saints and members lie or sleep, whom he will raise out of it. And therefore he is fitly said to stand upon the dust, or the grave, or death; because then he will put that among other enemies under his feet.
  • 1599 Geneva Bible Notes:
    I do not so justify myself before the world, but I know that I will come before the great judge who will be my deliverer and Saviour.
  • Family Bible Notes:
    Strong confidence in an almighty, ever-living Redeemer, and the expectation of meeting him as a friend and portion, support the soul in the deepest affliction, and cause it to rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  
  • Spurgeon Devotional Commentary:
    Job knew it, and was certain of it--that he had "a kinsman" who still lived, who would redeem his body from its captivity, whatever might come of it.

    He foresaw the victorious second advent of Christ as standing in his own proper person upon the earth: his hope of resurrection was based upon that advent.
  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge:
    * I know. Job 33:23,24; Ps 19:14; Isa 54:5; 59:20,21; Eph 1:7
    * he shall. Ge 3:15; 22:18; Joh 5:22-29; Jude 1:14
  • Adam Clarke Commentary:
    Any attempt to establish the true meaning of this passage is almost hopeless. By learned men and eminent critics the words have been understood very differently; some vehemently contending that they refer to the resurrection of the body, and the redemption of the human race by Jesus Christ; while others, with equal vehemence and show of argument, have contended that they refer only to Job's restoration to health, family comforts, and general prosperity, after the present trial should be ended. In defense of these two opinions larger treatises have been written than the whole book of Job would amount to, if written even in capitals. To discuss the arguments on either side the nature of this work forbids; but my own view of the subject will be reasonably expected by the reader. I shall therefore lay down one principle, without which no mode of interpretation hitherto offered can have any weight. The principle is this: Job was now under the especial inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and spoke prophetically.

    Now, whether we allow that the passage refers to the general resurrection and the redemption by Christ, or to Job's restoration to health, happiness, and prosperity, this principle is equally necessary. 1. In those times no man could speak so clearly concerning the general resurrection and the redemption by Jesus Christ as Job, by one class of interpreters, is supposed here to do, unless especially inspired for this very purpose. 2. Job's restoration to health and happiness, which, though it did take place, was so totally improbable to himself all the way through, so wholly unexpected, and, in every sense, impossible, except to the almighty power of God, that it could not be inferred from any thing that had already taken place, and must be foreshown by direct inspiration. Now, that it was equally easy to predict either of these events, will be at once evident, because both were in futurity, and both were previously determined. Nothing contingent could exist in either; with them man had nothing to do; and they were equally within the knowledge of Him to whose ubiquity there can be neither past nor future time; in whose presence absolute and contingent events subsist in their own distinctive characters, and are never resolved into each other.

    But another question may arise, Which was most likely to be the subject of this oracular declaration, the general resurrection and redemption by Christ; or the restoration of Job to health and affluence?

    If we look only to the general importance of these things, this question may be soon decided; for the doctrine of human redemption, and the general resurrection to an eternal life, are of infinitely greater importance than any thing that could affect the personal welfare of Job. We may therefore say, of two things which only the power of God can effect, and one of which only shall be done it is natural to conclude he will do that which is of most importance; and that is of most importance by which a greater measure of glory is secured to himself, and a greater sum of good produced to mankind.

    As, therefore, a revelation by which the whole human race, in all its successive generations, to the end of time, may be most essentially benefited, is superior in its worth and importance to that by which one man only can be benefited, it is natural to conclude here, that the revelation relative to the general resurrection, &c., is that which most likely the text includes.

    But to this it may be answered, God does not do always in the first instance that which is most necessary and important in itself, as every thing is done in that order and in that time which seems best to his godly wisdom; therefore, a thing of less importance may be done now, and a thing of greater importance left to a future time. So, God made the earth before he made man, produced light before he formed the celestial luminaries, and instituted the Mosaic economy before the Christian dispensation. This is all true, for every thing is done in that season in which it may best fulfil the designs of providence and grace. But the question still recurs, Which of the predictions was most congruous to the circumstances of Job, and those of his companions; and which of them was most likely to do most good on that occasion, and to be most useful through the subsequent ages of the world? The subject is now considerably narrowed; and, if this question could be satisfactorily answered, the true meaning of the passage would be at once found out. 1. For the sake of righteousness, justice, and truth, and to vindicate the ways of God with man, it was necessary that Job's innocence should be cleared; that the false judgments of his friends should be corrected; and that, as Job was now reduced to a state of the lowest distress, it was worthy the kindness of God to give him some direct intimation that his sufferings should have a happy termination. That such an event ought to take place, there can be no question: and that it did take place, is asserted in the book; and that Job's friends saw it, were reproved, corrected, and admitted into his favour of whom they did not speak that which was right, and who had, in consequence, God's wrath kindled against them, are also attested facts. But surely there was no need of so solemn a revelation to inform them of what was shortly to take place, when they lived to see it; nor can it be judged essentially necessary to the support of Job, when the ordinary consolations of God's Spirit, and the excitement of a good hope through grace, might have as completely answered the end.

    2. On the other hand, to give men, who were the chiefs of their respective tribes, proper notice of a doctrine of which they appear to have had no adequate conception, and which was so necessary to the peace of society, the good government of men, and the control of unruly and wayward passions, which the doctrine of the general resurrection and consequent judgment is well calculated to produce; and to stay and support the suffering godly under the afflictions and calamities of life; were objects worthy the highest regards of infinite philanthropy and justice, and of the most pointed and solemn revelation which could be given on such an occasion. In short, they are the grounds on which all revelation is given to the sons of men: and the prophecy in question, viewed in this light, was, in that dark age and country, a light shining in a dark place; for the doctrine of the general resurrection and of future rewards and punishments, existed among the Arabs from time immemorial, and was a part of the public creed of the different tribes when Mohammed endeavoured to establish his own views of that resurrection and of future rewards and punishments, by the edge of the sword. I have thus endeavoured dispassionately to view this subject; and having instituted the preceding mode of reasoning, without foreseeing where it would tend, being only desirous to find out truth, I arrive at the conclusion, that the prophecy in question was not designed to point out the future prosperity of Job; but rather the future redemption of mankind by Jesus Christ, and the general resurrection of the human race.

    After what has been stated above, a short paraphrase on the words of the text will be all that is necessary to be added.

    I know, ytedy yadati, I have a firm and full persuasion, that my Redeemer, ylag goali, my Kinsman, he whose right it was among the ancient Hebrews to redeem the forfeited heritages belonging to the family, to vindicate its honour, and to avenge the death of any of his relatives by slaying the murderer; (Le 25:25; Nu 35:12; Ru 3:13;) but here it must refer to Christ, who has truly the right of redemption, being of the same kindred, who was born of woman, flesh of flesh and bone of our bone.

    Liveth, yx chai, is the living One, who has the keys of hell and death: the Creator and Lord of the spirits of all flesh, and the principle and support of all life.

    And that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. The latter day, Nwrxa acharon, the latter day, or time, when God comes to judgment; or finally, or at last, or in the last time, or latter days, as the Gospel is termed, he shall be manifested in the flesh.

    He shall stand, Mwqy yakum, he shall arise, or stand up, i.e., to give sentence in judgment: or he himself shall arise from the dust, as the passage has been understood by some to refer to the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

    Upon the earth, rpe le al aphar, over the dead, or those who are reduced to dust. This is the meaning of rpe aphar in Ps 30:9: What profit is there in my blood when I go down to the pit? Shall the DUST (i.e., the dead) praise thee? He shall arise over the dust-over them who sleep in the dust, whom he shall also raise up.

  • Jamieson-Fausset-Brown
    UMBREIT and others understand this and Job 19:26, of God appearing as Job's avenger before his death, when his body would be wasted to a skeleton. But Job uniformly despairs of restoration and vindication of his cause in this life (Job 17:15,16). One hope alone was left, which the Spirit revealed--a vindication in a future life: it would be no full vindication if his soul alone were to be happy without the body, as some explain (Job 19:26) "out of the flesh." It was his body that had chiefly suffered: the resurrection of his body, therefore, alone could vindicate his cause: to see God with his own eyes, and in a renovated body (Job 19:27), would disprove the imputation of guilt cast on him because of the sufferings of his present body. That this truth is not further dwelt on by Job, or noticed by his friends, only shows that it was with him a bright passing glimpse of Old Testament hope, rather than the steady light of Gospel assurance; with us this passage has a definite clearness, which it had not in his mind (see on JFB for Job 21:30). The idea in "redeemer" with Job is Vindicator (Job 16:19; Nu 35:27), redressing his wrongs; also including at least with us, and probably with him, the idea of the predicted Bruiser of the serpent's head. Tradition would inform him of the prediction. FOSTER shows that the fall by the serpent is represented perfectly on the temple of Osiris at Philæ; and the resurrection on the tomb of the Egyptian Mycerinus, dating four thousand years back. Job's sacrifices imply sense of sin and need of atonement. Satan was the injurer of Job's body; Jesus Christ his Vindicator, the Living One who giveth life (Joh 5:21,26).

    at the latter day--Rather, "the Last," the peculiar title of Jesus Christ, though Job may not have known the pregnancy of his own inspired words, and may have understood merely one that comes after (1Co 15:45; Re 1:17). Jesus Christ is the last. The day of Jesus Christ the last day (Joh 6:39).

    stand--rather, "arise": as God is said to "raise up" the Messiah (Jer 23:5; De 18:15).

    earth--rather, "dust": often associated with the body crumbling away in it (Job 7:21; 17:16); therefore appropriately here. Above that very dust wherewith was mingled man's decaying body shall man's Vindicator arise. "Arise above the dust," strikingly expresses that fact that Jesus Christ arose first Himself above the dust, and then is to raise His people above it (1Co 15:20,23). The Spirit intended in Job's words more than Job fully understood (1Pe 1:12). Though He seems, in forsaking me, to be as one dead, He now truly "liveth" in heaven; hereafter He shall appear also above the dust of earth. The Goel or vindicator of blood was the nearest kinsman of the slain. So Jesus Christ took our flesh, to be our kinsman. Man lost life by Satan the "murderer" (Joh 8:44), here Job's persecutor (Heb 2:14). Compare also as to redemption of the inheritance by the kinsman of the dead (Ru 4:3-5; Eph 1:14).


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Spence Chapel United Methodist Church

Pastor's New Sunday School Class


We started this new Sunday School Class at 10 a.m. each week.  We'll meet outside in the pavilion, weather permitting -- otherwise in the fellowship hall by the donut table :)  We'll experiment with the format each week... here's this Sunday's agenda:

  • Open with prayer
  • Brainstorm listing of current events, problems, activities, etc going on in the lives of those present
  • Discussion of how we are currently:
    1. Doing no harm
    2. Doing good
    3. Using the means of grace (Private Prayer, Bible Study, Holy Communion, Christian Conversation, Public Worship)
  • Discussion of ideas & highlights of how the International Sunday School Lesson text for this week may (or may not) apply to what is going on in the personal lives of those present.
  • Ideas for improving the class structure and content next week
  • Closing prayer
  • Fellowship, Mingling, Eating, Leaving, Etc. in the Fellowship Hall

For those unable to attend on Sunday morning, and for all of us who would like to continue the discussions throughout the week by email, I've set up a mailing list discussion group at SpenceChapelSundaySchool@Memphis-UMC.org   
Click here to Subscribe.  (or here to UNsubscribe). 

I also host the LivingWeb Sunday School Project, so you might like to drop by there for additional insights and discussion about this weeks Bible text.







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See Also:

220.80 - Special Subjects Treated In Bible




Discussion List

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Other Sunday School Mailing Lists

  • Dan Holmes Lesson Review -- This review is sent weekly as a Word attachment, by Dr. Holmes via his personal distribution list.  To be included, send an email to him at Danholmes7@aol.com

  • If you have, or know of, other Sunday School mailing lists to be added here, please drop me a note. Thanks!

  • If you would like a notice when the Sunday School Project is updated, please click here.




Sermons, Outlines, & Commentaries
See also:
220.7 - Bible Commentaries; 251 - Homiletics252 - Sermon Texts; Lectionary:

Weekly Lesson Commentaries

Ferrell - LaMay - Newswanger - Roth - Zion

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